Exciting News: Geminids Meteor Shower in Switzerland This Week

Exciting News: Geminids Meteor Shower in Switzerland This Week

This week, everyone in Switzerland can enjoy a special event right before Christmas—the Geminids meteor shower will reach its peak on December 14, 2023. It’s known as the most significant shooting star display of the year, with as many as 150 meteors lighting up the night sky every hour!

Swiss Cities to Witness Geminid Meteor Shower

The Geminids meteor shower, named after the Gemini constellation, is a fantastic event in the sky that happens every December over Europe and Switzerland. These shooting stars come from the 3200 Phaethon asteroid. Unlike meteor showers caused by comets, which are mostly ice and less dense, the Geminid shower is famous for having a higher density of shooting stars.

Similar to the impressive Perseids in August, the Geminids are considered one of the most spectacular meteor showers. During peak times, between 50 and 150 meoters can be seen every hour. They travel at a speed of 35 kilometers per second, relatively slow for meteors, making them easier to see with the naked eye.

At what time can I witness the Geminids Meteor Shower in Switzerland?

The peak of the Geminids meteor shower in Switzerland is expected at 8 pm on Thursday. However, from sundown on December 14 to sunrise on December 15, skywatchers will be able to see hundreds of shooting stars. For those familiar with the stars or using the SkyView app on their mobile phones, the meteors will radiate from around the Castor star in the Gemini constellation, rising from the east and moving across the sky until dawn.

Fortunately, there shouldn’t be much natural light pollution this year, as a very thin crescent moon is expected to set early on December 14. Regarding the weather, it’s not looking ideal, with predicted cloud cover during the lead-up and aftermath of the peak. Nevertheless, there is still hope, as meteorologists forecast a brief period of clear skies on the evening of the peak, though uncertainties remain.

To catch a glimpse of one of the world’s most impressive meteor showers, make sure to dress warmly and head to areas without light pollution—preferably far away from cities, towards forests, hills, and, if you’re fortunate, mountains.

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