Big Super Blue Moon to Light Up Swiss Skies on August 30th

Big Super Blue Moon To Light Up Swiss Skies on August 30th

Get ready, because on August 30th, something amazing will happen in the night sky above Switzerland. It’s called a super blue moon, and people all over Swiss cities and towns will be able to see it.

What’s a Super Blue Moon?

Imagine looking up at the sky on the night of August 30th. You’ll see a super blue moon. But wait, it’s not actually blue in color. The name “blue moon” doesn’t mean it’s blue; it means it’s very rare. This super blue moon is the second full moon in the same month, which is special and only happens every few years.

When to See It:

At 8:22 PM, look towards the east. That’s where the super blue moon will rise from. It’s going to be really big and bright, so you won’t need a telescope to see it clearly.

A Bit Tricky Weather:

There’s just one problem. Like when you plan to go outside to see shooting stars or comets, the weather can be a bit tricky. On August 30th, the weather might be cloudy and rainy in Switzerland, so you might only get a short time to see this super blue moon. But if the sky is clear, you’re in for a treat!

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