Swiss University’s Sci-Fi Breakthrough. Generating Electricity with Glass

Swiss University’s Sci-Fi Breakthrough

Generating Electricity with Glass

In a discovery that seems straight out of a bestselling sci-fi novel, researchers at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) have unlocked a method to generate electricity using glass. This innovative breakthrough sparks hope for windows in homes to become energy sources in the near future.

Transforming Glass into a Power Source

In a statement to Blick, EPFL revealed the transformative power of their discovery, turning ordinary glass into an electricity generator. Scientists envision a future where homeowners can effortlessly produce green electricity by replacing their windows with specially treated glass.

The Intricate Process Unveiled: Femtosecond Laser and Tellurite Glass

To create this unique glass, EPFL scientists used a femtosecond laser on tellurite glass, emitting light pulses at a mind-boggling rate of a few quadrillionths of a second. This intricate process lays the foundation for turning glass into a potential powerhouse.

Photoconductive Patterns: A Solar Panel in Glass

When applied correctly, the femtosecond laser forms a photoconductive pattern on the glass surface. This pattern allows the glass to convert sunlight into electrical energy, much like a solar panel, without compromising its translucency. This paves the way for windows to serve as efficient power sources.

Long-lasting Electricity and Sustainability

EPFL’s study leader, Yves Bellouard, shared with Blick that the treated glass can generate electricity for months with the right technique. Notably, the process is sustainable, requiring no additional materials. Bellouard playfully remarked that they are essentially realizing the dream of alchemists by transforming materials into something else.

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